"Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your calling and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." (2 Pet. 1:10-11)

"The Jacobites of Scotland never met one another on the mountain paths, never sat down to a table of council and conference, without lifting a cup to pledge the return of their king and prince, Charles. At length Charles came back, but only to bring to Scotland defeat, disaster, and suffering.

"In every celebration of the Lord's Supper, since that last and final night in the Upper Room, the followers of Christ have lifted the sacramental cup as a token of their faith that their King shall come. That is the meaning of those words, which we hear so often that we forget their deep import: 'As often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death till He come.' Till he come! And when he comes, He shall come, not to bring pain and suffering, as did King Charles to unhappy Scotland, but to usher His faithful and joyful saints into the eternal joys of His presence and His heavenly kingdom." (By McCartney)