"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." (Col. 3:16)

On November 15, 1843, Alexander Campbell rose to speak in a debate with N.L. Rice, a Presbyterian scholar. Campbell expressed the following: "Had the Messiah, in giving the commission, said, 'Travel into all nations and preach the gospel,' then, this word being generic, his apostles could have obeyed the precept by walking, riding, sailing, or any other mode of traveling. But had he said, 'Walk through all the world,' etc., he could not have been obeyed by riding." (Campbell Rice Debate, Old Paths Book Club, page 99).

Applying this thought to the music question, had the Lord said, "Make music with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs," the words, being generic, we could obey the precept by playing, whistling, and any other imaginable way to "make music." But since he said "sing," we could not obey the requirement by playing various kinds of musical instruments. (From Dudley Ross Spears)