"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her..." (Eph. 5:25)

A man never opened the car door for his wife because he felt it was a sissy kind of thing to do and, besides, he was fond of saying, "she doesn't have two broken arms." After many years of marriage, his wife died, and he was heartbroken because he truly loved her. Somehow, as the pallbearers brought her casket out of the funeral service, the husband and his family reached the hearse ahead of them. The mortician was back a few feet and, since he knew the husband quite well, he called him by name and said, "Open the door for her, will you?" The man reached for the door handle and then, for one second, froze. He realized he had never opened a car door for her in life. Now, in her death, it would be the first, last, and only time. It was a moment when years of regrets came crashing down around him. (From Illustrations Unlimited by James S. Hewett, p. 338)