Matt. 11:28-30

By David J. Riggs

   A. Invitations are common: graduations, weddings, formal dinners,
   B. We are considering the greatest ever extended - because:
      1. Of Him who gave it.
      2. It pertains to the spiritual - others to the physical.
      3. Universal in scope - all who labor and are heavy laden are  
         to come.
      4. Offers the greatest blessings and rewards - we will find    
         rest for our souls.
   C. In this lesson we want to examine this great invitation. Many
      important principles and applications are bound up it in.

I. "Come to me."
   A. "Come" implies an invitation - no one is forced to come. Psalm
      110:3; Rev. 22:17; Rev. 3:10
      1. It implies that we have the ability to accept the call.
         a. We are not to be waiting to see, hear, or feel something.
         b. The direct operation of the Holy Spirit theory is like
            chaining someone to a tree and saying, "Come." Many
            wait for years and never receive anything.
         c. We come by hearing, believing and obeying the gospel.
            Acts 18:8; 1 Pet. 1:22; Rom. 6:17-18
         d. God calls and invites by means of the gospel. 2 Thess.
         e. Thus, everyone needs to respond to the gospel call.
   B. "To me."
      1. We must go to Christ and Him alone. John 14:6; Acts 4:12;
         John 10:1,9
      2. We are not saved merely by a good moral life.
         a. Many people don't intend to obey the gospel. They
            think that as long as they "live right" that's all that  
            is necessary.
      3. Consider: 1 Pet. 4:17; 2 Thess. 1:6-9
         a. All must come to Christ in obedience. Heb. 5:9; John

II. "All you who labor and are heavy laden."
   A. It is universal in nature - "All you who labor." Rom. 3:23; 1  
      John 1:8-10
   B. It shows that sinners are apart from Christ. Isa. 59:1-2
      1. It shows that we must realize that we are in sin.
         a. This comes through the word of God. Psalm 119:104;
            Rom. 3:20; John 16:8
   C. It shows that we must feel the burden and guilt of sin, and    
      want deliverance. Rom. 7:24-25
      1. Some get this in reverse and say they are too wicked to
      2. All those who are laboring under sin (no matter what it may
         be) can come to Jesus.  Mark 2:17; 1 Tim. 1:15; 1 Tim. 1:8-
   D. It shows that the sinner is the one who is to come.
      1. Man needs to be reconciled to God, and not God to man. 2
         Cor. 5:20; Eph. 2:16
      2. The mourner's bench system, altar calls, and "praying
         through" misunderstand this basic principle.
         a. What are they trying to "pray through"? There is no
            barrier there. Those who labor and are heavy laden need
            to come to Jesus.
            (1) Paul, who had been praying for three days and
                nights, was told to - Acts 22:16. This is what the
                alien sinner needs to do.

III. "And I will give you rest...You will find rest for your souls."
   A. Benefits for accepting the invitation:
      1. Rest from the guilt and burden of sin. Matt. 1:21; John 1:29
      2. Rest from the pain of an evil conscience. Heb. 9:14; 10:22
      3. Rest from some terrible addiction. Gal. 5:1
      4. Rest from the bondage that men often place others in. 2 Pet.
      5. Rest from the traditions and doctrines of men which often   
         lay heavy burdens upon men. Col. 2:20-23
      6. Rest from the fear of death. Heb. 2:14-15
      7. And eventually, rest in the eternal home. Heb. 4:9-11; Rev.

IV. "Take my yoke upon you."
   A. "Take" - implies effort, requires action, on our part. Acts    
      2:40; James 1:22,25
   B. "My" - must follow the will of Christ. Matt. 7:24; John 14:15
      1. It is not the will of parents (Matt. 10:37); preachers      
         (Matt. 7:15; 15:9); the church (Matt. 15:13); any person    
         (Col. 2:8), or even myself (Luke 9:23) that needs to be     
         heeded. I must follow the will of Christ only.
   C. "Yoke" - implies there is a definite burden to be borne - not  
      just good intentions.
      1. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Intentions
         are no good unless they are carried out.
         a. Some intend to obey the gospel.
         b. Some intend to start coming to every service.
         c. Some intend to kick bad habits.
      2. All good intentions are no good unless one moves with godly
         fear and does what he ought to do.
   D. "Upon you" - implies personal responsibility.
      1. We must prove our own work. Gal. 6:4-5
      2. We must work out our own salvation. Phil. 2:12

V. "And learn from Me."
   A. John 5:39; 17:3; Eph. 5:17; Rom. 12:2
   B. We ought to learn from Christ when:
      1. We tire of persecutions. Heb. 12:3-4
      2. Our interest centers in ourselves. Rom. 15:3
      3. When we grow weary in well doing. John 9:4

VI. "For I am gentle and lowly in heart."
   A. Heb. 4:15-16
   B. We have a great and wonderful Savor.
      1. He bore our sins upon the cross. 1 Pet. 2:24-25
      2. His goodness should lead us to repentance. Rom. 2:5
      3. He is fully able and capable to save all those who come to
         him. Heb. 7:25

VII. "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."
   A. Christ's demands are not unreasonable. 1 John 5:3; Rom. 12:1
      1. Example, the steps of the gospel are not exceedingly
         difficult: believe (Acts 16:31); repent (2 Cor. 7:10);      
         confess (Rom. 10:9; Matt. 10:32); emersion in water (Mark   
         16:16; Acts 10:48).
      2. His burden is easy and light when compared to the reward.
         Rom. 8:18; 2 Cor. 4:17.
      3. It is made easy because the Lord helps us to bear it. Phil.
         4:13; Psalm 55:22

   A. Matt. 11:28-31 - what a beautiful, poetical invitation!
      1. Let us take Christ's yoke upon us and continue to faithfully
         follow him.
      2. It brings rest to our souls now, and in the end, it will    
         bring eternal rest.