"No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him." (John 1:18)

The word "declared" in the Greek is literally "exegeted." Thus, Jesus Christ has exegeted (explained, clarified, exposed) God the Father for us. God the Father was manifested in His deliverance of the Israelites from bondage, His giving of the Law of Moses, and His presence in the temple. However, none of these make known the Father as fully and completely as His only begotten Son. When we observe the life of Jesus, what He was like, what He did and taught, we see what God the Father is like. As Jesus said to Philip, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father..." (John 14:9)

Let us examine Jesus Christ through His New Testament for thereby we see both God the Son and God the Father.