"It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life." (John 6:63)

Jesus, in his discourse on the bread of life, was showing that the flesh as such could profit nothing. The Spirit alone is the author and source of all life. Jesus continued, "The words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life." The whole gist of His discourse refers to the "spirit," not flesh, and the words He employed were to be interpreted in that sense. Furthermore, the words that He spoke are living, life-giving, and dynamic. His words are spiritual, fitted to quicken and nourish the soul. F.F. Bruce noted the following: "The word of human beings however wise in substance or eloquent in expression cannot produce spiritual life; this is the prerogative of the Word of God."

Let us study and mediate continually on the words that can impart and sustain spiritual life.