1 Timothy 2:9-10

(Originally by Randy Cavender, but reworked by John Cripps & David

   A. All right-thinking people understand we have a serious problem 
      in our society with indecent dress.
   B. The problem of indecent dress worsened dramatically during the
      permissive era of the late '60's and '70's and it showed no    
      signs of decline during the '90's.
   C. The world often influences the church.
      1. In this lesson, we intend to demonstrate that Christians,
         whether men or women, have an acceptable standard of
         dress, dictated not by Paris or New York.
      2. It is heaven's decree which does not change with current
      3. It will always be permanent. Psalm 119:89
   D. What is God's Standard of Dress for a Christian?

I. Modest.
   A. Definition - Primary meaning - "orderly, well-arranged."
      1. Some argue that Paul simply instructed the women to dress
         neatly. I cannot comprehend that Paul would condemn a
         woman who would wear a baggy, though decent dress, but
         exonerate a woman who would parade in public in a bikini!
   B. Secondary meaning - "decent." 
   C. What is decent dress? Rather than a detailed list of such      
      clothing, three criteria of proper dress, each of which        
      pertains to the heart, i.e., attitudes.
   D. Modest dress is important for it is a reflection of the heart. 

II. With Propriety - shamefacedness.
   A. The definition of "shamefastness" is "a sense of shame."
   B. A person who dresses "with propriety" is directed by a sense of
      shame, rooted "fast" in their character that prevent them from
      dressing shamefully.
   C. What is "shameful" dress? Nakedness - Rev. 3:18 
      1. Adam and Eve - "they knew that they were naked" Gen.
      2. After they sinned, Adam and Eve hid themselves because
         they were afraid since they were "naked."
      3. While scantily clothed, the first pair were naked, both in  
         their own eyes and God's. Gen. 3:10-11
      4. God covered them with tunics of skin.
         a. "Tunic was a garment, meanings to cover [compare
            3802]; a shirt...a kimono-like inner garment reaching to
            the knees or ankles, as worn next to the skin. Both men
            and women wore tunics made from cotton, linen, or
            wool. ...The earliest of these garments were made
            without sleeves and reached only to the knees. Later,
            the inner garment extended to the wrists and ankles." 
            (Nelson's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Bible Facts, p.
         b. "This garment usually had long sleeves, and extended
            down to the ankles when worn as a dress coat, and was
            held in place by a girdle. Hard-working men, slaves, and
            prisoners wore them more abbreviated--sometimes even
            to their knees, and without sleeves--as shown on the
            Behistun inscription." (The Zondervan Pictorial Bible
            Dictionary, p. 225)
         c. Covering of the thigh. Isaiah 47:1-3
   D. Adam and Eve were shamefully, immodestly dressed, but when
      God covered them, they were no longer naked.
      1. Would God cover the modern swimsuits, short-shorts,
         see-through clothing, skin-tight clothing and whatever else
         that indecently exposes the body?
   E. For a man to dress immodestly is lasciviousness, which is
      "unbridled lust, excess, outrageousness, shamelessness." Gal.  
III. Moderation - Sobriety.
   A. "Good judgment, moderation, self-control, soundness of mind."
      1. The judgment involved should be Biblically based judgment.
   B. Aged women are to teach the younger to "be discreet" (Titus    
      2:5) which comes from the same root as the word "moderation."
   C. Do you use "good judgment" in your apparel?

IV. "Not with braided Hair or Gold or Pearls or Costly Clothing.
   A. Does the inspired writer forbid women to wear braids, jewelry, 
      or costly clothing?
      1. The "virtuous wife" Prov. 31:10 "fine linen and purple"     
         Prov. 31:22
   B. Paul uses a Jewish figure of speech, "the denial of the lesser 
      to emphasize the greater."
      1. John 6:27; 1 Peter 3:3 - if literal, should not put on      
      2. Women in Roman society, as today, were prone to wear
         elaborate and expensive hairdo's, even braiding the hair    
         with gold or silver strands or lacing with gold, silver, or 
         jewels; to dress in outlandish, expensive clothes in order  
         to draw attention to themselves and to their wealth.
   C. Paul and Peter simply teach women to place the emphasis where
      it belongs.
      1. On the hidden person of the heart. 1 Pet. 3:4
      2. On good works - 1 Tim. 2:10
   D. Young people, don't waste time primping. Don't misplace your
      emphasis on designer labels, costly jewelry or fancy hairdo's. 
      Such gaudiness has no place for a Christian.
      1. Spend time (and save your money) developing godly
         character, true inward beauty, which is beautiful to God! 

V. Proper for women professing Godliness.
   A. Definition - godliness denotes "the fear or reverence of God."
   B. The scriptures teach of two types of dress.
      1. Proper. . .professing godliness. 1 Tim. 2:10
      2. Not as an immoral woman - Prov. 7:5,10
         a. Mary Quant who introduced the mini-skirt in 1964,
            admitted: "Mini-skirts are symbolic of those girls who
            want to seduce a man."
   C. Brethren, is your clothing "proper. . .professing godliness" or
      the "attire of a harlot"? 
      1. Questions to help determine the answer:
         a. Would you want Christ to see you dressed? 
         b. Does your clothing cause godly men or women to be
            tempted to lust? Matthew 5:27-28; Matthew 18:6
         c. Does the way you dress hinder your influence as a
            Christian? Matthew 5:16
         d. Could you teach another concerning immodest clothing
            dressed the way you are? Rom. 2:21

   A. "Dress like a clown, and you will feel like a clown." Dress    
      like the world, and you will feel like the world. Dress like a 
      Christian, and you will feel like a Christian.
   B. Does your clothing reflect godly character, or does it cause   
      others to stumble and bring shame on God and His church?