"There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." (Prov. 14:12)

In January, 1987, the U. S. Army disposal unit at Fort Bliss, Texas, sold several crates at an auction to scrap dealer Pedro Salas in Juarez, Mexico. When Mr. Salas got back to his scrap yard, he found a live rocket inside one crate. Checking further, he found another rocket, and another. Finally, he had discovered 23 live, high-explosive missiles designed to be fired from helicopters, capable of spraying thousands of fragments on detonation. How did such potentially dangerous munitions end up being sold inside "empty" crates? An investigation revealed that a young lieutenant had signed a statement that he had inspected the crates and that they were empty. Because of that false statement, the lieutenant's career may be over, the U. S. government was embarrassed, and worst of all, human lives were endangered. (From Dan Ames)

The young lieutenant, instead of closely examining, made a false assumption, and suffered bitter consequences. Likewise, many people today, instead of carefully investigating, assume that their religion is in God's word. If they would only investigate, they would see that their religion is not in the Bible at all. Because of their false assumption, the damage done to souls will be far greater than that done by the young lieutenant.