A. Many people use the term "God" frivolously. They fail to
      realize how serious it is.  Ex. 20:7
      1. We should respect God's name and use it appropriately,
         speaking it in praise or worship rather than in jest or
      2. The way we use God's name conveys how we feel about
         Him, wether we are reverent or irreverent.
      3. Lev. 24:10-16 - Does the Lord feel any differently today?
   B. There is a story told of a preacher who was traveling, and
      sitting near a person who kept using profanity, he asked him,
      "Are you paid anything for all the swearing you do?" "No,"
      was the startled reply, "I do it for nothing."  "Nothing?"     
      cried the preacher, "You work cheap! You throw aside your
      character as a gentleman, inflict pain on your friends, break
      the Lord's commandments, and endanger your own soul --
      and all for nothing! You certainly work cheap -- TOO
      1. Yes, swearing is not only a "cheap" practice in many
         ways, but it is also a terrible sin which grieves God!
   C. We should watch those slang words.  They are called
      1. Webster's Dictionary defines "euphemism" as: "The
         substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for
         one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt.
         a. "Gosh" - "Euphemism for God"
         b. "Golly" - "Euphemism for God"
         c. "Goodness" - "Euphemism for God"
         d. "Gee" - "Euphemism contraction of Jesus"
         e. "Darn," "Dern," "Damn" - "A euphemism for the
         f. "Dog Gone" - "Euphemism remodeling of God
         g. "Heck" - "Euphemism for hell."
         h. "Shoot" - GUESS!
     2.  Matt 12:34-37; James 1:26; James 3:6-10; 1 Pet 3:10-12