"He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." (Psalm 126:6)

One day in July, a farmer sat in front of his shack, smoking his corncob pipe. Along came a stranger who asked, "How's your cotton coming?" "Ain't got none," was the answer. "Didn't plant none. 'Fraid of the boll weevil." "Well, how's your corn?" "Didn't plant none. 'Fraid o' drouth." "How about your potatoes?" "Ain't got none. Scairt o' tater bugs." The stranger finally asked, "Well, what did you plant?" "Nothin'," answered the farmer. "I just played it safe." (From Illustrations Unlimited, by James S. Hewett p. 204)

I am afraid that many Christians are "playing it safe" in the matter of teaching the gospel. Let us not be discouraged by the animosity and opposition of others, but let us continue to be diligent in sowing the precious seed of the kingdom.