"Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit." (Psalm 51:12)

Ted Malone, whose radio show came on early in the morning, told of the Idaho shepherd who wrote: "Will you, on your broadcast, strike the note 'A'? I'm a sheepherder way out here on a ranch, far away from a piano. The only comfort I have is my old violin. It's all out of tune. Would you strike 'A' so that I might get in tune?" Malone honored the request. Later he received a "thank you" note from the distant shepherd saying, "Now I'm in tune."

One of the most tragic situations in life is when a Christian, through his unfaithfulness, becomes "out of tune" with the Great Shepherd. Through repentance and prayer we can be restored to our former relationship and be "in tune" once again. Thanks be to God for His grace and mercy.