By David J. Riggs

   A. Unity among Christians is often commanded and encouraged
      throughout the holy Scriptures. 
   B. Contrariwise, division is often strongly rebuked and condemned.
   C. When we are united, we please the Lord.
      1. When united, we are working together to achieve common
         goals, e.g., converting people to Christ, functioning as a  
         local congregation, and the saving of our own souls.
   D. In this lesson, let's consider the divine instructions         
      regarding unity and division.

   A. Our Lord prayed for the unity of all believers. John 17:20-21
      1. Unity among believers promotes faith in outsiders. Division
         among believers promotes disbelief in outsiders.
   B. Others will know we are the Lord's disciples if we love one
      another. John 13:34-35
      1. People will know we are the true disciples when we have
         love; they will also know that we are not the Lord's        
         disciples when we don't have love.
      2. They can see love among us when there is love, and they can
         also see the lack of love when there is no love.
   C. We are given a solemn charge in the name of Christ to be       
      united. 1 Cor. 1:10
      1. The only way we can all speak the same things is to speak as
         the oracles of God. 1 Pet. 4:11
   D. All of us are to strive for unity. Eph. 4:1-3
      1. It is a wonderful thing when brethren are united. Psalm     
      2. When we are united, we are spiritually mature and pleasing
         to God.

   A. Paul showed that the divisions at Corinth revealed their       
      1 Cor. 3:1-3
      1. James showed that the spirit of division is earthly,        
         sensual, and devilish. James 3:14-18
   B. If we bite and devour one another, we will be consumed one of
      another. Gal. 5:15
      1. Well trained bird dogs are a marvelous sight to behold as
         they work the brushy fields. They work hard at sniffing out
         the game birds. They are trained so that when they          
         eventually find the birds, they will freeze in a pointing   
         stance. I have seen those well-trained dogs shake and       
         tremble as they are in their frozen position. It is against 
         their nature to sit and do nothing. When they see the birds,
         their nature is to pounce on them. When the hunter gets into
         position, where the dogs and the birds are, he gives the    
         command and then the dogs flush out the birds. The hunter   
         shoots the birds as they fly off, and the dogs find the dead
         birds and bring them to the hunter. The bird dogs all work  
         together in their job of hunting birds. However, when the   
         dogs are back in their pens, they are often found barking   
         and growling at one another. When they have no birds to     
         hunt, they often bite and snap at one another. 
      2. Please apply this to us as a congregation. We need to be
         united and busy in our common goal of converting people to
         Christ. If we are not busy in our God-given work, there is a
         tendency to waste valuable time picking and biting at one
         another. Strife and discord saps our time and energy. Let us
         not use our time and energy in the wrong endeavor. Let us
         be about our Father's business.
   C. If we lack unity, it is because of human weakness.
      1. The Catholics make the argument that the Bible can't be the
         sole authority in religion because there are many divisions
         among the people who claim to follow the Bible.
         a. There are many divisions, but the fault is not with the
            Bible, but man.
      2. Likewise, if we are not united in the Lord's church, it is  
         due to our own weakness. James 4:1-3
   D. Unity, like all holiness, is a goal that we all should strive  
      diligently to obtain. Rom. 14:19; Heb. 12:14-15; Matt. 5:9

   A. All of us must do the will of Christ; otherwise, we could never
      be united.
      1. We must give up our own wills and submit to the will of
         Christ. John 15:14; 1 Cor. 14:37
      2. We are commanded in the law of Christ to be subject to one
         another. 1 Pet. 5:5; Eph. 5:21; 1 Tim. 2:12-13; 1 Cor. 11:3;
         14:34-35; Eph. 5:22-24; 1 Pet. 3:5-6
         a. Thus, those sisters who are married have double duty.
            Not only are they to be subject to men in general, but
            they are also to submit to their own husbands.
   B. We all recognize that unity among those who claim to be
      followers of Christ is often very difficult.
      1. Things will usually go well in any congregation until a
         problem arises.
      2. One such "problem" area, of course, is the ministering of
         church discipline.
   C. Whether or not discipline should be practiced is a matter of
      doctrine. The church is commanded to do it. 1 Cor. 5:3-4; Rev.
      2:14-16; Matt. 18:15-17
      1. Whether or not a certain individual should be disciplined is
         a matter of judgment 1 Cor. 5:3; 12-13
   D. When a church has elders, the elders are to handle the         
      discipline problems. They are to rule and the members are to   
      submit to them. Heb. 13:17
      1. When a church does not have elders, the solution is not for
         all members to leave and go where there are elders.
         a. The holy Scriptures, rather, teach us to strive to have
            elders. Titus 1:5; Acts 14:23
            (1) More often than not, it takes years of prayer,
                patience, and encouragement for this to occur.
   E. When a church does not have elders, the Business Meeting
      situation is a temporary arrangement that is used to carry out 
      the decisions of the church.
      1. This situation will work if, and when, the members want it  
         to work. If the members don't want it to work, it won't     
   F. Bear in mind, the church will never be perfectly united on all
      matters of judgment.
      1. If Paul said, 'This punishment which was inflicted by the
         majority,' (which he did in 2 Cor. 2:6), that's good enough
         for me.
         a. In other words, even though the church was
            commanded to do it (1 Cor. 5:4-5), Paul said it was the
            majority who carried it through.
      2. In Business Meetings, there are usually about as many
         "suggestions" as there are men.
      3. "Suggestions" and "final decisions" are altogether          
   G. There are times when one must relinquish his own personal
      judgment for the sake of peace.
      1. In other words, one might strongly believe that something
         should (or should not) be done, but sees that he is in the
         minority, and, thus, after stating his own convictions, must
         surrender to the others.
      2. Remember Abraham's surrender and his reason for doing so.
         Gen. 13:7-9
      3. If it were necessary and/or possible for brethren to always 
         be in perfect agreement, there would be no need for         
   H. Once a final decision has been reached, that should end the    
      matter once and for all. It is the duty of all to submit. Eph. 
      5:21; 1 Pet. 5:5
      1. Remember, a wife who has a husband has double duty. She
         should not only submit to the men in general, but also to   
         her own husband who has part in making decisions in the
         Business Meetings.
   I. It is not right for anyone to raise complaints and objections
      AFTER the final decision has been made.

   A. Let us strive to be united even as God commands us.
   B. We can be united if we want to be. Likewise, we can follow the
      devil and destroy ourselves if we want.
      1. Once the devil gets his foot inside the door, he will do    
         much damage.
   C. Let us resist the devil and endeavor with all diligence to be  
      united. Eph. 4:3; 2 Cor. 13:11