- All the women went. Matt. 28:1; Luke 24:1; Mark 16:1
- The angel descended before the women arrived and the soldiers became as dead men. Matt.
- When the women arrived, the stone was already removed. Luke 24:2; Mark 16:3-4
- When they entered the tomb, they saw two angels and the one sitting on the right side spoke to
them. Mark 16:5-6; Matt. 28:5-7
- Luke shows that the other angel also spoke to them. Luke 24:4-12
- All the women leave quickly to find the scattered disciples as the angels instructed. Matt. 28:8;
Luke 24:9-12
- Some of the women, besides Mary Magdalene, were hesitant to say anything because they
were afraid. Mark 16:8-11
- As they leave the tomb the soldiers made their way into the city and give their report. Matt.
- Mary Magdalene tells Peter and John and comes back to the tomb with them. John 20:2,11;
Luke 24:9-12
- Peter and John see the clothes and leave. John 20:3-7
- Mary looks into the tomb again and sees two angels, one sitting at the head and one sitting at
the feet. John 20:11-12
- Jesus then appears to her. She is the first to see Him. John 20:13-18; Mark 16:9
- Jesus then appears to the other women and repeats the angel words. Matt. 28:8-10
- Mary Magdalene and the other women give their various reports, but the disciples do not
believe. Luke 24:9-11; Mark 16:10-11
- The same day the Lord appeared to the two on the way to Emmaus. Luke 24:13-36; Mark
- He appears to Simon Peter. Luke 24:34; I Cor. 15:5
- In the evening, He appears to the eleven and others with them, but not Thomas. Luke
24:33-43; John 20:19-25
- He appears to the disciples the following week with Thomas present. John 20:26-29
- He appears the third time to the disciples when they were fishing in the Sea of Galilee. John 21
- Jesus also appeared to James. 1 Cor. 15:7
- He also appeared to over five hundred at once. 1 Cor. 15:6 This is thought to have been at
His appointed place in Galilee. Matt. 26:32; Mark 14:28; Matt. 28:10; Mark 16:7