Chart #1 - Death Scripturally Defined
1. Separation of the spirit from the body. James 2:26; Luke 16:22-23; Eccl. 12:7
2. Separation of man from God. Gen. 2:17; Isa. 59:1-2; Eph. 2:1-2; 1 Tim. 5:6
3. Eternal or second death. Rev. 20:14; Rom. 6:23; 2 Thess. 1:9; Matt. 25:41
Chart #2 - Some Representations of Death
1. Like water spilled on the ground which cannot be gathered up again. 2 Sam. 14:14
2. Life span taken away, cut off, made an end. Isa. 38:12
3. The silver cord is loosed, etc. Eccl. 12:6
4. As a sleeping. John 11:13-14; Acts 7:60
5. As the pale horse. Rev. 6:8
6. As an enemy. 1 Cor. 15:26
Chart #3 - The Brevity of Life
1. Of few days, like a flower that fades, as a shadow that flees. Job 14:1-2; 1 Pet. 1:24; James 1:10-11
2. Passes like a shadow. Eccl. 6:12
3. Swifter than a weaver's shuttle. Job 7:6
4. Swifter than a runner, like swift ships, like an eagle swooping on its prey. Job 9:25-26
5. Days As handbreadths. Psalm 39:5
6. As a vapor. Psalm 39:5; James 4:14
7. As a breath, as a shadow. Psalm 144:4
8. Consumed like smoke. Psalm 102:3
Chart #4 - Why do people fear death?
1. Because of the pain and misery associated with it.
2. Because of the corruption of the grave which follows it.
3. Because of the uncertainty of their destiny.
4. Because of the love of life and things of this life.
5. Because it's a lonely, untried journey from whence we shall not return.
6. Because of the separation from the ones we love.
Chart #5 - Death of the Faithful
1. We are made free from the toils and burdens of life. Rev. 14:13; 21:4
2. There is a gain in death for the righteous. Phil. 1:21,23
3. Death is a going home to be with the Lord. 2 Cor. 5:1-8
4. God's people do not die alone. Psalm 23:4; Acts 7:55-60
5. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Psalm 116:15
6. Christians do not sorrow as unbelievers in the death of their loved ones. 1 Thess. 4:13.
Chart #6 - Death of the Unfaithful
1. They leave this world without having prepared to meet God. Luke 16:19-31; Amos 4:12; Psalm 90:12
2. Their destiny is sealed forever. Eccl. 9:5-6, 10
3. They should prepare now. James 4:14; Luke 12:20; 2 Cor. 6:2; Heb. 3:7,15; 4:7
Chart #7 - Proper Attitude Toward Death
1. Face it as a reality. Eccl. 7:2
2. It cannot be averted. Eccl. 8:8
3. Seek always to be in a state of readiness. Eccl. 12:13-14
4. Through Christ we can gain the victory. 1 Cor. 15:55-58; Rev. 1:18
5. It is the forerunner to better things. Phil. 1:21,23; Rev. 14:13; Psalm 16:11; Rev. 7:16-17