(Note: I sent the following questions to a "Call-in Radio Program.")
Dear Sirs,
As you have opportunity, please answer any of the following questions on your program:
- Is baptism essential to salvation?
- Is one saved before baptism or at the point of baptism?
- Does a man have to do anything to gain eternal life?
- What part does the physical heart plan in religion?
- Are men saved by faith only?
- To what extent are the Scriptures inspired of God?
- What is the "good confession" of 1 Tim. 6:12?
- According to the Scriptures, what must one do to be saved?
- What must one do to keep saved?
- Does Eph. 2:8-9 contradict James 2:24?
- Is the "Lord's day" the same as the Sabbath?
- Are miracles still performed today like they were in the New Testament times?
- When will Jesus come again?
- Will good people of all churches be saved?
- Are all denominational churches from God?
- What is the true standard of authority in religion?
- Is God a God of wrath, or of love only?
- Can one be saved solely by prayer?
- What religious name should we wear?
- Does God accept sprinkling, pouring, and immersion as baptism?
- Why doesn't the church of Christ use instruments of music in worship?
- How is the church to raise its money?
- Is it Scriptural for the church to provide recreation and entertainment?
- Is "once saved always saved" taught in the Bible?
- Are we still under the ten commandments?
- How does a person become a Christian?
- What does the Bible teach on marriage, divorce and remarriage?
- How can I know that I am saved?
- Can we understand the Bible alike?
- Should infants be baptized?
- What is the sin of "presumption" of Psalm 19:13?
- Is punishment an effective means of eliminating undesirable behavior in children?
- Does the "spirit" of a Christian sin, or is it simply the "body" that sins?
- Does the Bible teach that there is a "hell" or it is "annihilation"?
- How does one determine what is false or true in religion?
- Is it right to pray to Mary the mother of Jesus or any other saint?
- Does a person have to be baptized to be saved?
- What did Paul mean by the statement, "For Christ sent me not to baptize...?
- Can a person who is not a Christian receive forgiveness of sins by praying?
- Does the Bible teach that one is predestinated to be saved or lost?
- It is proper to call a man "reverend"?
- Why are you folks always running everyone else down?
- What did you mean when you mentioned, "undenominational Christianity"?
- Wasn't the thief on the cross saved without baptism?
- Was Paul the apostle a Sabbath-keeper?
- Should one receive water baptism or Holy Spirit baptism to be saved?
- Did all men become depraved in Adam's transgression?
- Should one ever be baptized again?
- Why isn't the church of Christ just another denomination?
- What day is the Sabbath and what is its significance?
- Where does one's spirit go when he dies?
- Is the celebration of Christmas taught in the Bible?
- Is Christ reigning as king over His kingdom now?
- Will Christ began His reign and kingdom when He returns?
- Does the Bible teach that Christ will reign on earth for a thousand years?
- Does the Bible teach that one can fall from grace?
- Does the Bible teach that there is but one true church?
- Does the Bible show that one church is as good as another?
- Can one just let his conscience be his guide?
- Is one saved by grace without works?
- Does the Bible teach that it is wrong to judge or criticize other religions?
- Is the book of Mormon from God?
- Does it matter what a person is or does religiously as long as he is sincere?
- Is the Old Testament binding on us as law today?
- Did the Catholics give us the Bible as they claim?
- Can the church save you?
- Did Alexander Campbell start the church of Christ?
- Is the church of Christ a denomination?
- Are denominations branches of the church established by Christ?
- Is it right to be guided by feelings?
- Does one become a Christian by accepting Christ or, are there others things involved?
- Does the church of Christ have an earthly headquarters?
- Is "doctrine" important?
- Is "hell" only the grave?
- Is salvation conditional?
- By what will men be judged in the last day?
- Is evolution at variance with the Bible?
- How do we get faith?
- Is Jesus Christ Deity or only an angel?
- Should we be called "Jehovah's Witnesses"?
- Can a Christian be a Mason?
- Can a woman be a preacher or an elder?
- Is our religious "name" important?
- Should one "pray through" to be saved?
- Must one be "God called" before he can preach the gospel?
- Are works necessary to salvation?
- Can goodness alone save one's soul?
- Why do members of the church of Christ think they are the only ones saved?
- Do babies inherit sin?
- Do "Jehovah's Witnesses" have a soul?
- Can a Christian be in the Gideon's Bible Society?
- Are there three persons in the Godhead or only one?
- Can a child of God so sin as to be finally lost?
- What does the Bible teach about church discipline?
- Does the Bible teach that marriage is for life?
- Does moral goodness make one a Christian?
- Does God require obedience (works) in order to be saved?
- How many churches did Jesus build?
- Why are there so many different churches in the world today?
- Why is there so much religious division today?
- Is the Bible responsible for all the division among religious people?
- Is the Second Coming of Christ near?
- What does "for" in Acts 2:38 mean?
- What puts one into the church?
- Must one be voted on to enter the church?
- Can one actually speak in "tongues" today?
- If one says that "baptism saves," isn't he teaching "water salvation"?
- Is there any power in the water in baptism?
- How can we determine who are really the true disciples of Christ today?
- What does it mean to be just a Christian?
- How often should the Lord's Supper be observed?
- Is one required to go to church or can he simply worship God at home?
- Does the Bible teach that we should tithe?
- What does the Bible say about being gay?
- What does the Bible teach regarding drunkenness and social drinking?
- Is abortion right or wrong in the sight of God?
- If one gets a lawful divorce from our courts system, will God accept it?
- Is it right for the church from its treasury to send to an Orphan's Home, College, or Missionary
- Was Peter a pope?
With Many Thanks,
An Anonymous Inquirer