

1 Corinthians 6 - Washed and Sanctified

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 6


  1. Introduction – 1 Corinthians 6
    1. Odd Chapter?
      • Starts with “Lawsuits Against Believers”
      • Transitions to discuss “Sexual Immorality”
    2. Theme: Paul depicts a stark contrast between the Christian and the world
    3. Brief Outline
      • 1-10, Put away sins of self-gratification
      • 11, Recognize your state of being justified
      • 12-19a, Do not be tempted to become part of the world again
      • 19b-20, Serve God as your master
  2. 1 Corinthians 6:1-10, Put away sins of self-gratification
    1. Taking Christians to Court is Condemned
      1. Christians were taking Christians to court
      2. Paul strictly condemns this practice – v. 7:
        “To have lawsuits at all with one another is already a defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded?”
      3. But I am right and he is wrong!
        • Let a wise one amongst you help settle the matter (arbitrator) (v. 5)
        • Or even better, let it go! Be defrauded. (v. 7)
      4. Why would I want to be defrauded?
        • Philippians 2:1-11
          • To be of the same mind – v. 1-2
          • To not act out of selfishness – v. 3
          • To look out for others in addition to self – v. 4
          • Because Christ did – v. 5-8
          • So that God and Jesus may be glorified – v. 9-11
        • To become more Christ like and less like the world – Romans 12:1-2
      5. The wrong may likely involve sin – Matthew 18:15-17
        • The sin must be determined and addressed
        • After sin has been addressed, we have the right to forgive or require restitution
          • Matthew 18:21-35
          • Philemon
        • It seems the spiritual state of the “offender” is more important than the physical state of the “offended” in determining the path forward
        • Sometimes the most poignant lessons are learned and we are the humblest during hardship caused by sin (2 Samuel 11-12:15)
  3. Consider why we go to law against anyone
    1. Not only where the Corinthian Christians going to court with their brothers and sisters, they were going to court unjustly, to cheat anyone they could (v. 8)
      • Why would Christians be acting this way?
      • Because it is how the world acts
    2. If we are to have influence and proclaim the name of Jesus, we must not be caught up in lawsuits simply because the world deems it acceptable
    3. Are we willing to condemn our souls to hell to:
      • Get a nickel or dime?
      • To be able to say I told you so?
        (Philippians 2:15, Romans 12:1-2, Matthew 7:13, 1 John 2:15-17).             
  4. This passage does not teach
    1. Many times this passage is used to show a Christian bringing a civil case against anyone, for any reason, is sinful
    2. This passage absolutely condemns taking a brother or sister in Christ to court
    3. It does not condemn taking an unbeliever to court
      • Unfortunately, there may be times when taking an unbeliever to court is prudent
      • However, I urge you to consider why you are going to court and what you are trying to accomplish
        • Protecting your ego?
        • Serve up some sweet revenge?
        • Provide comeuppance to our enemy?
        • Signing on for free money in a class action lawsuit (where we have not been damaged/defrauded)
        • These are reasons of the world, selfish and debased
  5. (This way of life keeps you from Heaven)
    1. Paul takes what might be an abrupt jump
      • From discussion of wronging other believers to listing works of the flesh
      • The jump is not so abrupt when you consider the root of both issues
    2. The lawsuits against each other were focused on improving my condition at the expense of your condition
      • The Christians were acting of the world – self-gratification
      • They were not thinking of putting others first
    3. The sins listed are all selfish, physical sins
      • These sins will keep you from heaven
      • The last sin, swindlers or extortionists, is what v. 8 called out
      • This was the path the Christians at Corinth were on!
  6. 1 corinthians 6:11, Recognize your state of being justified
    1. And such were some of you…

What made the transformation in these people’s life?

  1. You were Washed
    1. King James incorrectly translates these verbs as present tense “are”
    2. More accurately these verbs are past tense, “were”
    3. “Washed” is different from the rest
      • It is in the middle voice, which, I read, is difficult to translate
        • One commentator suggested the translation “you washed”
        • Another suggests a more literal translation “you have got yourselves washed”
      • The other verbs associated with Sanctified and Justified are passive verbs
        • The distinction is action is necessary on our part to be washed
        • Being sanctified and justified we cannot do on our own
    4. Commentators resoundingly agree, regardless of background, washing refers to baptism – the washing away of sin
      • The Greek word translated wash is only used one other time in NT
      • Acts 22:16
        “And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.”
    5. Being baptized washes away your sins, you are cleansed!
  2. You were Sanctified
    1. Sanctified means set apart for a specific purpose
      • Example of Mom’s sewing scissors
      • In context we are set apart from the world, for holy purposes
    2. Christians are different from the world
  3. You were justified
    1. Declared or made righteous in the sight of God
    2. The Corinthians were made right in their relationship with God
  4. Putting it all together
    1. When you are washed in the waters of baptism you are cleansed from sin
    2. When you are free of sin you are sanctified, consecrated to holiness, different from the world, separated from sin
    3. When you are washed and sanctified then you are justified, righteous in the sight of God
    4. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God you are Holy as God is Holy (1 Peter 1:16)
  1. 1 Corinthians 6:12-19a, Do not be tempted to become part of the world again
    1. Paul uses the example of engaging in sexual immorality with a prostitute

What is Paul’s point?

  1. Consider the scissors my mom set aside for sewing
    • What if I took those scissors and cut wire mesh? It’s fabric right?
    • The scissors would be ruined, no longer worthy of being set apart for cutting fabric
  2. Similarly, if we take our holy vessel, our body, and use it for sin:
    • We are no longer sanctified
    • We are defiled
    • We are no longer justified
  3. Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? (v.9)
  1. 1 Corinthians 6:19b-20, Serve God as your master
    1. We do not own our body
    2. We were bought at a price
    3. We must glorify God in our body
      • We are not to be selfish, focusing on self-gratification
      • Our body is to remain sanctified, separate from the world, never defiled
  2. Applications

Sadly, there are misunderstandings of what is being done in verse 11.

  1. Once washed, sanctified and justified we will not be miraculously rewired, fixed
    1. Without doubt, when we are baptized an amazing act of grace occurs through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God that:
      • Washes away all of our sins (Acts 22:16)
      • Saves us (1 Peter 3:21)
    2. Baptism does not remove future sins
      • Example: If you are baptized while in an adulterous marriage, you will still be in that sinful marriage when you come up out of the water
      • You must repent (end the adulterous marriage)! – Acts 2:38
    3. Baptism does not eliminate struggles with sin
  2. Once washed, sanctified and justified you must work to remain justified
    1. Don’t limit God’s Power or Call him a Liar

So many times I hear people say:

  1. I just can’t help it
  2. The Bible says we are sinners, we all sin, all the time, everyday
  3. “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.” – Matthew 22:29
    • You are limiting the power of God!
    • God’s power is not limited, but we limit the power by refusing it
    • God is there at every struggle, providing an opportunity of escape – 1 Corinthians 10:13
  4. Further you are and calling God a liar! God does not command what we cannot fulfill
    • True, we have all sinned – Romans 3:23, James 1:10
    • We have chosen to sin each time we do it – James 1:13-15
    • Walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh – Galatians 5:16
    • “Be Holy for I am Holy” – 1 Peter 1:15
      • God is Holy because he is without sin
      • God will not ask us to do something we are not capable of doing! – 1 Corinthians 10:13
      • You were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified AND YOU CAN STAY THAT WAY!

So why do we struggle even after tasting the goodness of the glory of God? (Hebrews 6:4-8)

  1. We keep “Safe Houses” for sin
    1. Those things that we want to have just in case…
      • In case friends come in town
      • In case you need to impress the boss or make a strong point in a meeting
      • In case you need to blow off some steam
    2. We keep these safe houses as a remnant of the past
      • An example: Consider the notes/pictures/texts from past girlfriends
        • You keep them because when you read them you think of that past relationship
        • Perhaps when the current one is going poorly, you go to the notes to relive “the good times”
        • Why do you think the new girlfriend almost universally requires the purging of the old girlfriend’s relics?
        • She wants you all to herself, not shared
      • God also wants us to destroy our old safe houses, remnant of the past
        • Yahweh is a jealous God (Exodus 20:4-5, 1 Corinthians 10:22)
        • Unlike what may have happened with past relationships
          • we chose to leave the old life
          • why do we want to keep any part of it safe?
  1. Conclusion

Well I’ve blown it, I was washed, sanctified, and justified, but now I’ve sinned…its hopeless…

  1. Once washed, sanctified and justified if we sin, we can be restored, righteous again
    • God is faithful to forgive us our sin if we confess – 1 John 1:9
    • Walk in newness of life! (Romans 6)
  2. Back to the outline:
    • Put away sins of self-gratification
    • Recognize your state of being justified
    • Do not be tempted to become part of the world again
    • Serve God as your master
  3. He is a just and fair master who never lies (Ephesians 6:9, Hebrews 6:18)
    • He invites all to come to him
    • His yoke is easy and his burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30)

2016/02/15         Church w/ or w/o PowerPoint

Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 6


  1. Introduction – 1 Corinthians 6
    1. Odd Chapter?
      • Starts with “Lawsuits Against Believers”
      • Transitions to discuss “Sexual Immorality”
    2. Theme: Paul depicts a stark contrast between the Christian and the world
    3. Brief Outline
      • 1-10, Put away sins of self-gratification
      • 11, Recognize your state of being justified
      • 12-19a, Do not be tempted to become part of the world again
      • 19b-20, Serve God as your master
  2. 1 Corinthians 6:1-10, Put away sins of self-gratification
    1. Taking Christians to Court is Condemned
      1. Christians were taking Christians to court
      2. Paul strictly condemns this practice – v. 7:
        “To have lawsuits at all with one another is already a defeat for you. Why not rather suffer wrong? Why not rather be defrauded?”
      3. But I am right and he is wrong!
        • Let a wise one amongst you help settle the matter (arbitrator) (v. 5)
        • Or even better, let it go! Be defrauded. (v. 7)
      4. Why would I want to be defrauded?
        • Philippians 2:1-11
          • To be of the same mind – v. 1-2
          • To not act out of selfishness – v. 3
          • To look out for others in addition to self – v. 4
          • Because Christ did – v. 5-8
          • So that God and Jesus may be glorified – v. 9-11
        • To become more Christ like and less like the world – Romans 12:1-2
      5. The wrong may likely involve sin – Matthew 18:15-17
        • The sin must be determined and addressed
        • After sin has been addressed, we have the right to forgive or require restitution
          • Matthew 18:21-35
          • Philemon
        • It seems the spiritual state of the “offender” is more important than the physical state of the “offended” in determining the path forward
        • Sometimes the most poignant lessons are learned and we are the humblest during hardship caused by sin (2 Samuel 11-12:15)
  3. Consider why we go to law against anyone
    1. Not only where the Corinthian Christians going to court with their brothers and sisters, they were going to court unjustly, to cheat anyone they could (v. 8)
      • Why would Christians be acting this way?
      • Because it is how the world acts
    2. If we are to have influence and proclaim the name of Jesus, we must not be caught up in lawsuits simply because the world deems it acceptable
    3. Are we willing to condemn our souls to hell to:
      • Get a nickel or dime?
      • To be able to say I told you so?
        (Philippians 2:15, Romans 12:1-2, Matthew 7:13, 1 John 2:15-17).             
  4. This passage does not teach
    1. Many times this passage is used to show a Christian bringing a civil case against anyone, for any reason, is sinful
    2. This passage absolutely condemns taking a brother or sister in Christ to court
    3. It does not condemn taking an unbeliever to court
      • Unfortunately, there may be times when taking an unbeliever to court is prudent
      • However, I urge you to consider why you are going to court and what you are trying to accomplish
        • Protecting your ego?
        • Serve up some sweet revenge?
        • Provide comeuppance to our enemy?
        • Signing on for free money in a class action lawsuit (where we have not been damaged/defrauded)
        • These are reasons of the world, selfish and debased
  5. (This way of life keeps you from Heaven)
    1. Paul takes what might be an abrupt jump
      • From discussion of wronging other believers to listing works of the flesh
      • The jump is not so abrupt when you consider the root of both issues
    2. The lawsuits against each other were focused on improving my condition at the expense of your condition
      • The Christians were acting of the world – self-gratification
      • They were not thinking of putting others first
    3. The sins listed are all selfish, physical sins
      • These sins will keep you from heaven
      • The last sin, swindlers or extortionists, is what v. 8 called out
      • This was the path the Christians at Corinth were on!
  6. 1 corinthians 6:11, Recognize your state of being justified
    1. And such were some of you…

What made the transformation in these people’s life?

  1. You were Washed
    1. King James incorrectly translates these verbs as present tense “are”
    2. More accurately these verbs are past tense, “were”
    3. “Washed” is different from the rest
      • It is in the middle voice, which, I read, is difficult to translate
        • One commentator suggested the translation “you washed”
        • Another suggests a more literal translation “you have got yourselves washed”
      • The other verbs associated with Sanctified and Justified are passive verbs
        • The distinction is action is necessary on our part to be washed
        • Being sanctified and justified we cannot do on our own
    4. Commentators resoundingly agree, regardless of background, washing refers to baptism – the washing away of sin
      • The Greek word translated wash is only used one other time in NT
      • Acts 22:16
        “And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.”
    5. Being baptized washes away your sins, you are cleansed!
  2. You were Sanctified
    1. Sanctified means set apart for a specific purpose
      • Example of Mom’s sewing scissors
      • In context we are set apart from the world, for holy purposes
    2. Christians are different from the world
  3. You were justified
    1. Declared or made righteous in the sight of God
    2. The Corinthians were made right in their relationship with God
  4. Putting it all together
    1. When you are washed in the waters of baptism you are cleansed from sin
    2. When you are free of sin you are sanctified, consecrated to holiness, different from the world, separated from sin
    3. When you are washed and sanctified then you are justified, righteous in the sight of God
    4. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God you are Holy as God is Holy (1 Peter 1:16)
  1. 1 Corinthians 6:12-19a, Do not be tempted to become part of the world again
    1. Paul uses the example of engaging in sexual immorality with a prostitute

What is Paul’s point?

  1. Consider the scissors my mom set aside for sewing
    • What if I took those scissors and cut wire mesh? It’s fabric right?
    • The scissors would be ruined, no longer worthy of being set apart for cutting fabric
  2. Similarly, if we take our holy vessel, our body, and use it for sin:
    • We are no longer sanctified
    • We are defiled
    • We are no longer justified
  3. Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? (v.9)
  1. 1 Corinthians 6:19b-20, Serve God as your master
    1. We do not own our body
    2. We were bought at a price
    3. We must glorify God in our body
      • We are not to be selfish, focusing on self-gratification
      • Our body is to remain sanctified, separate from the world, never defiled
  2. Applications

Sadly, there are misunderstandings of what is being done in verse 11.

  1. Once washed, sanctified and justified we will not be miraculously rewired, fixed
    1. Without doubt, when we are baptized an amazing act of grace occurs through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God that:
      • Washes away all of our sins (Acts 22:16)
      • Saves us (1 Peter 3:21)
    2. Baptism does not remove future sins
      • Example: If you are baptized while in an adulterous marriage, you will still be in that sinful marriage when you come up out of the water
      • You must repent (end the adulterous marriage)! – Acts 2:38
    3. Baptism does not eliminate struggles with sin
  2. Once washed, sanctified and justified you must work to remain justified
    1. Don’t limit God’s Power or Call him a Liar

So many times I hear people say:

  1. I just can’t help it
  2. The Bible says we are sinners, we all sin, all the time, everyday
  3. “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.” – Matthew 22:29
    • You are limiting the power of God!
    • God’s power is not limited, but we limit the power by refusing it
    • God is there at every struggle, providing an opportunity of escape – 1 Corinthians 10:13
  4. Further you are and calling God a liar! God does not command what we cannot fulfill
    • True, we have all sinned – Romans 3:23, James 1:10
    • We have chosen to sin each time we do it – James 1:13-15
    • Walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh – Galatians 5:16
    • “Be Holy for I am Holy” – 1 Peter 1:15
      • God is Holy because he is without sin
      • God will not ask us to do something we are not capable of doing! – 1 Corinthians 10:13
      • You were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified AND YOU CAN STAY THAT WAY!

So why do we struggle even after tasting the goodness of the glory of God? (Hebrews 6:4-8)

  1. We keep “Safe Houses” for sin
    1. Those things that we want to have just in case…
      • In case friends come in town
      • In case you need to impress the boss or make a strong point in a meeting
      • In case you need to blow off some steam
    2. We keep these safe houses as a remnant of the past
      • An example: Consider the notes/pictures/texts from past girlfriends
        • You keep them because when you read them you think of that past relationship
        • Perhaps when the current one is going poorly, you go to the notes to relive “the good times”
        • Why do you think the new girlfriend almost universally requires the purging of the old girlfriend’s relics?
        • She wants you all to herself, not shared
      • God also wants us to destroy our old safe houses, remnant of the past
        • Yahweh is a jealous God (Exodus 20:4-5, 1 Corinthians 10:22)
        • Unlike what may have happened with past relationships
          • we chose to leave the old life
          • why do we want to keep any part of it safe?
  1. Conclusion

Well I’ve blown it, I was washed, sanctified, and justified, but now I’ve sinned…its hopeless…

  1. Once washed, sanctified and justified if we sin, we can be restored, righteous again
    • God is faithful to forgive us our sin if we confess – 1 John 1:9
    • Walk in newness of life! (Romans 6)
  2. Back to the outline:
    • Put away sins of self-gratification
    • Recognize your state of being justified
    • Do not be tempted to become part of the world again
    • Serve God as your master
  3. He is a just and fair master who never lies (Ephesians 6:9, Hebrews 6:18)
    • He invites all to come to him
    • His yoke is easy and his burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30)