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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/20/13 Get Behind Me Satan! Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A Get_Behind_Me_Satan.docx Get_Behind_Me_Satan.pdf 2013-10-20b.mp3
10/13/13 Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 Rick Graham Sermon N/A N/A 2013-10-13a.mp3
10/13/13 Phillipians Ch.4:8 Part 4 Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A N/A 2013-10-13b.mp3
10/06/13 Abortion Aaron O'Neal Sermon N/A N/A 2013-10-06a.mp3
10/06/13 Bondservants (Slaves) of Christ Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A The_Need_For_Leaders_-_Bond_Servants_of_Christ_-_part_6.pdf The_Need_for_Leaders_-_Bondservants_of_Christ_-_part_6.docx 2013-10-06b.mp3
09/29/13 Proverbs 30:24-28 Jesse Gateley Sermon N/A N/A 2013-09-29a.mp3
09/29/13 Phillipians Ch.4:8 Part 3 Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A N/A 2013-09-29b.mp3
09/22/13 Believing the Lie Daniel Wade Sermon N/A N/A 2013-09-22a.mp3
09/22/13 Repentance Brian Andrews Sermon N/A N/A Repentance.docx 2013-09-22b.mp3
09/15/13 Report from Africa Jason Hunt Sermon N/A N/A 2013-09-15a.mp3
09/15/13 The Need for Leaders: Ministers and Servants Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A The_Need_For_Leaders_-_Ministers__Servants_-_part_5.pptx The_Need_for_Leaders_-_MINISTERS__SERVANTS_-_part_5.docx
09/08/13 Trials (Part 2) Gordon Pickrell Sermon N/A N/A 2013-09-08a.mp3
09/08/13 God Give Me Patience Rick Graham Sermon N/A N/A 2013-09-08b.mp3
09/01/13 The Need for Leaders: Evangelists & Preachers Of The Good News Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A The_Need_for_Leaders_-_EVANGELISTS__PREACHERS_OF_THE_GOOD_NEWS_-_part_3.docx The_Need_For_Leaders_-_Evangelists__Preachers_Of_The_Good_News_-_part_3.pptx 2013-09-01a.mp3
09/01/13 The Need for Leaders: Preachers Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A The_Need_for_Leaders_-_PREACHERS_-_part_4.docx The_Need_For_Leaders_-_Preachers_-_part_4.pptx
08/25/13 Lessons from Job Jesse Gateley Sermon N/A N/A 2013-08-25a.mp3
08/25/13 Phillipians Ch. 4:8 Part 2 Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A N/A 2013-08-25b.mp3
08/18/13 Trials Gordon Pickrell Sermon N/A N/A 2013-08-18a.mp3
08/18/13 The Need for Leaders: Evangelists Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A The_Need_for_Leaders_-_EVANGELISTS_-_part_2.docx The_Need_For_Leaders_-_Evangelists_-_part_2.pptx 2013-08-18b.mp3
08/11/13 Suicide Aaron O'Neal Sermon N/A N/A 2013-08-11a.mp3
08/11/13 Being Weary Daniel Wade Sermon N/A N/A 2013-08-11b.mp3
08/04/13 The Need For Leaders: Teachers Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A A_Need_For_Leaders_-_TEACHERS.docx 2013-08-04a.mp3
08/04/13 Want To vs. Have To Mike O'Neal Sermon N/A N/A HAVE_TO_VS._WANT_TO.pptx 2013-08-04b.mp3
07/28/13 Phillipians Ch. 4:8 Part 1 Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A N/A 2013-07-28a.mp3
07/28/13 The Two Builders Rick Graham Sermon N/A N/A 2013-07-28b.mp3
07/21/13 Encouragement Brian Andrews Sermon N/A N/A Encouragement.pptx 2013-07-21a.mp3
07/12/13 Devoted To Prayer Chris Eppler Sermon N/A N/A 6DevotedtoPrayer.pdf 2013-07-12GM.mp3
07/11/13 Good Choices For The Chosen Chris Eppler Sermon N/A N/A 5GoodChoicesfortheChosen.pdf 2013-07-11GM.mp3
07/10/13 Set Your Mind Chris Eppler Sermon N/A N/A 4SetYourMind.pdf 2013-07-10GM.mp3
07/09/13 Without Hands Chris Eppler Sermon N/A N/A 3WithoutHands.pdf 2013-07-09GM.mp3
07/08/13 Image of the Invisible God Chris Eppler Sermon N/A N/A 2ImageOfInvisibleGod.pdf
07/07/13 When People Visit Chris Eppler Sermon N/A N/A 1WhenPeopleVisit.pdf 2013-07-07aGM.mp3
06/30/13 What Made Noah, Daniel, and Job Righteous? (parts 1 & 2) Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A Why_were_Noah_-_Daniel_-_Job_Righteous_parts_1__2.pdf Why_were_Noah_-_Daniel_-_Job_called_righteous_parts_1__2.docx
06/23/13 A Christian's Prayer Nick Angel Sermon N/A N/A
06/16/13 The Model Church: Origin-Structure-Name-Doctrine Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A The_Model_Church_Origin-Structure-Name-Doctrine.docx The_Model_Church_Origin-Structure-Name-Doctrine.pptx
05/19/13 Calling On The Name Of The Lord (Part 2) Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A Calling_On_The_Name_of_The_Lord_Part_2.pptx Calling_on_the_Name_of_the_Lord_Part_2.docx
05/17/13 The Sermon on the Mount Applied to Marriage Murray Wade and Joel Holt Sermon N/A N/A Marriage_-_5-17-2013_Michigan_Ave_Cleveland_TN.docx Marriage_-_May_2013_Michigan_Ave_Cleveland_TN.ppt
05/12/13 Successful Marriages From The Bible Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A SUCCESSFUL_MARRIAGES_FROM_THE_BIBLE.docx Successful_Marriages_from_the_Bible_-_May_2013_Michigan_Ave_Cleveland_TN.ppt
04/28/13 Calling On The Name Of The Lord (Part 1) Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A Calling_On_The_Name_of_The_Lord_Part_1.pptx Calling_on_the_Name_of_the_Lord_Part_1.docx
04/21/13 Back to the Basics: Are all churches equal in God's eyes? Nick Angel Sermon N/A N/A Are_all_churches_equal_in_Gods_eyes.pptx
03/17/13 Back to the Basics: Does it matter what one believes in religion? Nick Angel Sermon N/A N/A Does_it_matter_what_one_believes_in_religion.pptx
03/10/13 Do Not Pitch Your Tent Toward Sodom Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A Do_Not_Pitch_Your_Tent_Toward_Sodom.pptx DO_NOT_PITCH_YOUR_TENT_TOWARD_SODOM.docx
02/17/13 Forgive and Forget Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A Forgive__Forget.docx
02/03/13 The Election Of God (part 1 and 2) Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A The_Election_Of_God.pptx The_Election_of_God.docx
01/27/13 What Does God Think? (part 2) Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A What_Does_God_Think_p2_Athens_-_January_27_2013.doc What_Does_God_Think_part_2_2.pptx
01/27/13 The Preacher and His Sermon Nick Angel Sermon N/A N/A The_Preacher_and_His_Sermon.pptx
01/06/13 Be Careful With Sin Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A Be_Careful_With_Sin.docx
01/06/13 We CAN Understand the Bible Brian Andrews Sermon N/A N/A Can_we_understand_the_Bible_and_understand_it_alike.docx Can_we_understand_the_Bible_and_understand_it_alike.pptx
12/16/12 Integrity vs. Compliance Kevin Johnson Sermon N/A N/A 2012-12-16aIntegrityVsCompliance.mp3
12/16/12 I Peter 3:18 - 4:19 Murray Wade Sermon N/A N/A 2012-12-16bIPeter4.mp3

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