Speaking the Truth in Love

Speaking the Truth in Love

Resisting Change

Resisting Change [live call in: (865) 215-4337]

Introduction:  Colossians 4:3 – We consider our “Speaking The Truth In Love” TV program an open door the Lord has provided and continues to keep open for us. We are in our 31st year on CTV and we truly appreciate our audience, the men and women from our congregation that have maintained this work for so long, and the CTV staff! For those who may not know, we air the first and second Mondays of each month, from 8-9pm.

Resisting Change – a powerful force in the world: *Changing the formula of coke, getting rid of the filet-of-fish, changing political parties, routing for a rival team, changing toothpaste, changing car brands, etc.

We want to start in the book of John. We want to look at a few passages to see how forceful the resistance to change can be.

John 8:31-59 – Jesus teaches how these “believing” Jews could be set free and they end up wanting to stone Him.

John 11:14-44, 45-53 (48) – Even though these Jews were in an occupied territory of Rome, they had been given certain privileges. They did not want to give up those privileges.  They did not want to listen to Jesus and receive the everlasting freedom that He offered. Rather they wanted to kill him.

John 12:9-11, 41-43 – Many times men resist change because they are focused on the physical. In this case the Jewish leaders thought change would mean if everyone believed in Jesus, the Romans take away both their place and their nation. They were willing to stone and kill in their resistance to change.

There are many in the world today that also resist change. Resisting change from what folks have known for a very long time and have become comfortable with is a very, very powerful force. Sometimes people simply do not want to change. Sometimes fear is involved with the change. Changing from a way of life you know and have been accustomed to, to something that is unknown, can be a fearful thing.

If we can understand how powerful the resistance to change can be and how hard it is for some to change; then we can be better servants and teachers. We can be more compassionate toward friends and neighbors while showing them the eternal blessings that come from changing our lives for the Lord! How about you tonight? Are you resisting the change the Lord wants you to make in your life?

Jesus wants His children to be moldable into His image. This requires us to be willing to change when the Lord demands it

  • Jews on Pentecost – Acts 2:36-47
  • Samaritans – Acts 8:4-13
  • Ephesians – Acts 19:11-20
  • Paul explains his change this way – Galatians 2:20

How are you doing with change? How am I doing with change? Are we willing to make changes in our lives for the Lord or do we resist change?

Are you willing to let the Lord mold your heart or do you at times harden your heart when you do not want to change? (Acts 19:9, 1 Peter 3:7-15)

Resisting change can be a powerful force to overcome. But with the understanding, compassion, and the love of Jesus all can overcome that resistance!

If you have not changed your life for Jesus by becoming a Christian, we encourage you to believe in Him, confess that He is the Son of God, repent of your sins, and put on Jesus in baptism! This is a truly life giving change for a meaningful life while here on earth and a perfect eternal life one day in Heaven! We would love to help you become a disciple of Jesus tonight!

We invite all in our audience to our Bible studies on Wednesday at 7pm and Sunday morning at 9am. We would love to study God’s together with you! Please check the scriptures we have covered tonight. We want to help you in any way we can. Contact us for Bible studies by telephone, e-mail, or simply come to one of our assemblies. Contact: We assemble at 225 North Purdue Ave. in Oak Ridge at 9am on Sundays and 7pm on Wednesdays; oakridgechurch.com; david.barry@oakridgechurch.com, murray.wade@oakridgechurch.com; (865) 693-1416.

We plan to have a re-air on Labor Day, September 2, 2024. Our next live program is planned for September 9, 2024 when we plan to study “A priest of the Order of Melchizedek” and we hope to see you next time on "Speaking The Truth In Love".