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Date Title Author Topic
01/09/23 The Lord Is My Shepherd? Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Lord_is_My_Shepherd_1-9-23.docx
12/05/22 Why were Daniel, Noah, and Job called righteous? Murray Wade Knoxville TV Why_were_Daniel_-_Noah_-_Job_called_Righteous_12-5-2022.docx
11/07/22 Perfect Love Casts Out Fear Murray Wade Knoxville TV Perfect_Love_Casts_Out_Fear_11-7-2022.docx
10/03/22 Lessons from Malachi Murray Wade Knoxville TV Lessons_from_Malachi_10-3-22.docx
09/12/22 The Ascension of Jesus Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Ascension_of_Jesus_Christ_9-12-2022.docx
08/01/22 What Motivated Jesus? Murray Wade Knoxville TV What_Motivated_Jesus_8-1-22.docx
06/06/22 The Bronze Serpent and The Christ Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Bronze_Serpent__The_Christ_6-6-22.docx
05/02/22 The Passover Lamb and The Christ Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Passover_Lamb__The_Christ_5-2-22.docx
04/04/22 David and The Christ Murray Wade Knoxville TV David__The_Christ_4-4-22.docx
03/07/22 Moses and The Christ Murray Wade Knoxville TV Moses__The_Christ_3-7-21.docx
02/07/22 Abraham and The Christ Murray Wade Knoxville TV Abraham__The_Christ_2-7-22.docx
01/03/22 Joseph and The Christ Gordon Pickrell Knoxville TV Joseph_and_The_Christ_1-03-22.docx
12/06/21 Adam and The Christ Gordon Pickrell Knoxville TV Adam_and_The_Christ_12-06-21.docx
11/01/21 Doubting Thomas - Doubting Disciples - Doubting Today Murray Wade Knoxville TV Doubting_Thomas_-_Doubting_Disciples_-_Doubting_Today_11-01-21.docx
10/04/21 The Model Prayer - John Chapter 17 Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Model_Prayer_-_John_chapter_17_10-04-21.docx
08/02/21 Perspective Larry Paden Knoxville TV Perspective_8-2-21.docx
07/19/21 Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead Murray Wade Knoxville TV Jesus_Raises_Lazarus_from_the_Dead_7-19-21.docx
06/07/21 Blind Made to See - John Chapter 9 Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Blind_Made_to_See_6-07-21.docx
05/03/21 The Thief on The Cross Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Thief_On_The_Cross_5-03-21.docx
04/05/21 Even in Captivity Murray Wade Knoxville TV Even_In_Captivity_4-05-21.docx
03/01/21 What Must I Do To Be Saved? (Remain Faithful) Murray Wade What Must I Do To Be Saved? What_Must_I_Do_To_Be_Saved_Remain_Faithful_3-01-21.docx
02/07/21 Abraham and The Christ Murray Wade Knoxville TV Abraham__The_Christ_2-7-22.docx
02/01/21 What Must I Do To Be Saved? (Realize That Once Saved Does Not Mean Always Saved) Murray Wade What Must I Do To Be Saved? What_Must_I_Do_To_Be_Saved_Realize_That_Once_Saved_Does_Not_Mean_Always_Saved_2-01-21.docx
01/04/21 What Must I Do To Be Saved? (Call On the Name of The Lord) Murray Wade and Delton Porter What Must I Do To Be Saved? What_Must_I_Do_To_Be_Saved_Call_On_The_Name_of_The_Lord_1-04-21.docx
12/07/20 What Must I Do To Be Saved? (Go Forward From Baptism) Murray Wade What Must I Do To Be Saved? What_Must_I_Do_To_Be_Saved_Go_Forward_From_Baptism_12-07-20.docx

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