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Date Title Author Topic
01/06/25 The Mercy of God Murray Wade Knoxville TV 1._The_Mercy_of_God_1-06-25.docx
12/02/24 Should We Keep the 10 Commandments Today? Murray Wade Knoxville TV 12._Should_we_keep_the_10_Commandments_today_12-2-24.docx
11/04/24 The Grace of God Murray Wade Knoxville TV 11._The_Grace_of_God_11-4-24.docx
10/07/24 Are We Of The Same Mind As Jesus? Murray Wade Knoxville TV 10._Are_we_of_the_same_mind_as_Jesus_10-7-24.docx
09/09/24 A Priest of the Order of Melchizedek! Murray Wade Knoxville TV 9._A_priest_of_the_Order_of_Melchizedek_9-9-24.docx
08/11/24 1 John Class Introduction Brian Andrews Class Material 1_John_Class_Introduction.pdf
08/05/24 Resisting Change Murray Wade Knoxville TV 8._Resisting_Change_8-5-24.docx
07/01/24 Where is True Peace? Murray Wade Knoxville TV 7._Where_is_True_Peace_7-1-24.docx
06/03/24 Distractions Murray Wade Knoxville TV 6._Distractions_6-3-24.docx
05/06/24 Faithful Women of the Bible Murray Wade Knoxville TV 5._Faithful_Women_of_the_Bible_5-6-24.docx
04/08/24 When was Saul Saved? Murray Wade Knoxville TV 4._When_Was_Saul_Saved_4-8-24.docx
03/04/24 Our Words Matter! David Barry Knoxville TV Our_Words_Matter_DB_-_sermon_OR_3-4-24.docx
02/05/24 The Love of The Father Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Love_of_The_Father_9-17-23_OR_2-5-24.docx
01/08/24 The Gospel of Hope! Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Gospel_of_Hope_6-11-23_OR_1-8-24.docx
12/04/23 It is a Great time to be a Christian! Murray Wade Knoxville TV It_is_a_Great_Time_to_be_a_Christian_12-4-2023.docx
11/06/23 Humbling Ourselves to God Murray Wade Knoxville TV Humbling_Ourselves_to_God_11-6-2023.docx
10/02/23 Can We Judge? Murray Wade Knoxville TV Can_We_Judge_10-2-2023.docx
09/11/23 How Can a Nation forget God and Jesus Christ? Murray Wade Knoxville TV How_can_a_nation_forget_God_and_Jesus_Christ_9-11-2023.docx
08/07/23 What is the Kingdom of God? Murray Wade Knoxville TV What_is_the_Kingdom_of_God_8-7-2023.docx
07/03/23 Becoming a Disciple of Jesus Murray Wade Knoxville TV Becoming_a_Disciple_of_Jesus_7-3-2023.docx
06/12/23 God's Free Gift For You! Murray Wade Knoxville TV Gods_Free_Gifts_for_You_6-5-23.docx
05/01/23 The Beatitudes Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Beatitudes_5-1-23.docx
04/03/23 The Blood of Jesus Murray Wade Knoxville TV The_Blood_of_Jesus_4-3-23.docx
03/06/23 James 3:13-18 (Wisdom From Above) Murray Wade Knoxville TV James_3_verses_13-18_3-6-23.docx
02/06/23 Is Christ Divided? Murray Wade Knoxville TV Is_Christ_Divided_2-6-23.docx

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